The scene goes back to the ring for the second match of the night as Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley walk away from Jonathan Coachman and towards their locker room.
Richards started it off trying to stay away from Jack Jacobs who was looking to go on the attack right from the beginning. Jacobs finally caught up with Richards and started to put the boots to Mr RTC. However, Richards quickly changed the flow of the match after poking Jacobs in the eyes. The referee warned Richard's but it didn't bother him. Richards continued the beating and eventually award Richards the win. Medics rushed to the ring and took Jacobs off in an Ambulance.
 WINNER: Steven Richards |
Backstage, in the hallway, Jordan O'Neil meets up with wrestler Darren Zirado. Jordan begins speaking to him.
.::[Jordan O"Neil ]::. Hey Darren.
.::[Darren Zirado ]::. Yes, Mr. O'Neil?
.::[Jordan O"Neil ]::. You're FIRED!!!!
.::[Darren Zirado ]::. Fired? Why?
.::[Jordan O"Neil ]::. Darren, you heard me! Now leave my NWO!
The scene cuts back to ringside with Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole.
.::[ 'Good Ol MC' Michael Cole ]::. Why did Jordan O'Neil fire Darren Zirado?
.::[ Jerry 'The King' Lawler ]::. Cole, because he can! That's why!
.::[ 'Good Ol MC' Michael Cole ]::. I just don't understand. And why is he refering it to his NWO? Shawn Hall owns it too!
.::[ Jerry 'The King' Lawler ]::. Cole, it's JORDAN O'NEIL, he can call it how ever he wishes.
No words can discribe this match. Michael Graves got a mixed reaction when he ealksed to the ring sporting the GWFO Univeral Championship Title around his waist. Howver, when the Rock's music hit the speakers, the whole arena stood up and cheered. The Great One made his way tot he rign and went through his normal enterance ruteins. When the bell sounded, one hell of a mathc started. The Rock and Michael Graves stared one another down before Graves kicked the Rock in the mid-section. Graves then locked up witht he Rock, and powered him into the corner. However, the Rock reversed the hold and shoved Graves back into the turnbuckle. The Rock then started "laying the smack down" on Graves, sending him to the floor. Graves then slide out of the ring, to help regain control. The referee had to hold the Rock back, who was willing to jump out after Graves. Finially, Graves re-entered the ring and the match continued. Graves plan worked because he dominated for the next while, nearly getting the win from the Rock. When Graves appeared to have the match won, Triple h interrupted and nailed Graves with the Pedigree. This caused the referee to DQ the Rock and give Michael Graves the win. |
 WINNER: Michael Graves |
The scene is backstage, in the Presidents office. In there is Triple h and Jordan O'Neil.
.::[ 'The Game' Triple H ]::.
This is not right!
.::[Jordan O'Neil ]::. Hunter, what's not right?
.::[ 'The Game' Triple H ]::.
Jordan, you know very well that I am the "Game." How the hell is Benito and Hart in the main event! Thatis where the Game should be!
.::[Jordan O'Neil ]::. Hunter, you're right! Don't bother heading to the ring now, because I'll take care of it.
As Jordan O'Neil says that, Shawn Hall walks into the room
.::[Shawn Hall ]::. What's taken care of? Jordan, what is going on?
.::[Jordan O"Neil ]::. Nothing Shawn, nothing at all. Just that I just put Triple H's match as the main event.
.::[Shawn Hall ]::. WHAT? I had Beniot and Hart in a submission match for the main event! Jordan, what in the hell do you think you're doing?
.::[ 'The Game' Triple H ]::.
What he's doing it fixing the damn card! Hall, I deserve to be the main event around here!!
.::[Shawn Hall ]::. Helmsley, I don't care what you think you are! The fact is, I booked that match and it should be last.
.::[Jordan O"Neil ]::. Shawn, jus' cool it. Lets talk about it.
.::[Shawn Hall ]::. This is BS. I am outta here. Jordan, lets talk abotu it later.
Shawn Hall exits the room and the scene cuts back to ringside.
.::[ 'Good Ol MC' Michael Cole ]::. King, is it just me, or does it seem like there is some peoblems within the CEO's?
.::[ Jerry 'The King' Lawler ]::. Cole, you're seeing things!!
Shawn Hall was right, this match should have been booked as the main event. Beniot and Hart both showed why they are techinal wrestlers. The referee was held on his toes the whole match, with both men attempting submission after submission. Hart started the submissions off with a figurefour leg lock. Right when Beniot appeared to tap out, he reversed the hold, placing the pain all on Hart. Hart was not long grabbing the ropes. Beniot picked Hart up and started to pumble Hart. Beniot managed to apply a sleeper but after the second hand dropped, Hart came to and battled back. However, it wasn't long for Beniot to get back intot he thick of things. Beniot whipped Hart intot he ropes and attempted a clothesline but Hart ducked, bounced off the ropes and attempted a clothesling of his own. Howver, Beniot, reversed the clothesline with the Crossface! Beniot slammed Hart to the ground and applied the terrifying hold. Just out of ropes reach, Hart faught the hold off. However, Beniot used his strength to haul Hart to the center of the ring, where he applied the hold with full force... causing Hart to tap out.
 WINNER: Chris Beniot |
.::[ 'Good Ol MC' Michael Cole ]::. King, Chris Beniot is one tough man!
.::[ Jerry 'The King' Lawler ]::. Mike, you're right! But he never had any challenge tonight! Hart is way over the hill!
  MAIN EVENT HANDICAP MATCH Triple H VS The New Breed (Plague & Skar)
To Jordan's liking, Triple H was moved tot he main event. However, Triple H was under estamating his opponents. Right off the ring bell, Skar got the upper hand by hitting a drop kick, sending Triple H crashing to the mat. HHH slide back into the corner but Skar charged right at him, connecting with a baseball slide. HHH, caught by surprise, rolled out of the ring. However, Skar occupied the referee while Plague attacked Triple H on the outside, hitting him in the head with a chair. Plague then rolled him back into the ring. Skar went for a pin but, somehow, Triple H kicked out just before three. Skar then tagged in Plague. The two attempted double-teaming Triple H, however, it failed. Plague, when tagged in, tried to connect with a flying clotheline off the top while Skar held the Game but HHH fell out of the way, resulting with the New Breed bothon the mat. Triple H then picked Skar up and hit a Pedigree. Plague rolled out of the ring and grabbed another chair. He then slide back into the ring and swung the chair but accidently hit the referee! Triple H then kicked Plague in the gut ,set him up, and connected with a pedigree. Triple H went for the cover but with no referee there, no count was made.
Out from the backstage area ran Michael Graves. Graves slid into the ring, grabs HHH and DDT's him to the mat. Graves then jumps to the top rope and jumps towards HHH, hitting the Bodysault. Graves then picks up Plague and tossed him ontop of Triple H. Graves then slid back out of the ring and started back up the isle but stopped in sight of Jordan O'Neil. Graves just stood there, staring at the CEO. Jordan, unexpectingly, runs towards Graves and clotheslines him! This sends Graves sdtumbling backwards, crashing into the ring apron. Jordan then grabs a chair and smokes Graves in the head. Jordan then rolls Graves into the ring. Jordan swiches HHH and Plague, placing HHH on top. Jordan then grabs the referee and tell shim to count... 1... 2...3!
 WINNER: Triple H |
As the match ends, and as HHH gets back to his feet, "No Chance" plays and Shawn Hall walks out fromt he back and towards the ring. Hall enters the ring, looks around and starts to speak.
.::[Shawn Hall ]::. WHAT? I had Beniot and Hart in a submission match for the main event! Jordan, what in the hell do you think you're doing?
.::[Jordan O"Neil ]::.
Shawn, it's not hard to see, or atleast it shouldn't be! However, if you need more clues, I'll show you one!
With that, Triple H kicks Shawn Hall in the guts, sets him up and delivers a Pedigree.
.::[ 'Good Ol MC' Michael Cole ]::. What is going on!
.::[Jordan O"Neil ]::. Hall, the NWO belongs to me! You are nothing! Hunter, hit em again!
Triple H picks Shawn Hall back up and delivers another Pedigree.
.::[Jordan O"Neil ]::. Ladies and Gentlemen! The NWO is back in the right hands and it will never be the same again!!!!
.::[ Jerry 'The King' Lawler ]::. YAHOOOOO!!!!
.::[ 'Good Ol MC' Michael Cole ]::. Folks, we have to go! Hopefully we can get some answers on Tuesday Night!!
The scene fades to a close